Large-scale shaped Canvases and Paintings
based on the Golden Mean Proportion
No.153 - 59"H x 47"W |
No.152 - 59"H x 47"W |
No.154 - 48"H x 59"W |
No.150 - 48"H x 59"W |
No. 151 - 48"H x 59"W |
No.92 - 54"H x 66"W |
No. 103 - 54"H x 66"W |
No. 90 - 54"H x 66"W |
No. 96 - 54"H x 66"W |
No. 104 - 46"H x 72"W |
No. 88 - 50"H x 52/78"W |
No. 87 - 43"H x 44/65"W |
No. 54 - 54"H x 72"W |
No. 58 - 54"H x 73"W |
No. 50 - 76"H x 54"W |
No. 52 - 76"H x 54"W |
No. 53 - 41"H x 76"W |
No. 78/79 - 8ft wide installed |
No. 81 - 40"H x 40"W x 8"D |
No. 82 - 52"H x 27/54"W |
No. 85 - 51"H x 52/78"W |
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